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Our Clients
Arts, Cultural and Heritage
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Birmingham Royal Ballet
Centre des monuments nationaux, Paris
The Churches Conservation Trust, London
Doen Foundation, Amsterdam
The English Concert, London
English National Opera, London
Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Lewes
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Museum of London
National Museums Liverpool
National Museums of Science and Industry, London
New Centre for Arts and Culture, Boston
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, London
Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Drawing School, London
The Royal Institute for British Architects, London
Salzburg Festival
San Francisco Opera
South Bank Centre, London
Voltaire Foundation
British Heart Foundation
Medizinische Universität, Vienna
Newham Healthcare NHS Trust, London
Nottingham University Hospitals Charity
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust
World Heart Federation, Geneva
Welfare, Environment and Development
Global Leadership Foundation, London
Global Witness, London
Live to Love International, New York and Hong Kong
Resource Alliance, London
World Wide Web Foundation, London and Boston
Science and Education
Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy
Ashridge Business School
Aston University, Birmingham
Green College, University of Oxford
Hanken Helsinki School of Business
The Hellenic and Roman Library, London
Hertford College, University of Oxford
Institut d’etudes avancees, Paris
International Year of the Salmon
IESE Business School, University of Navarra
The Jubilee Sailing Trust
King’s College, London
Kingston University
Max Planck Gesellschaft, Munich
Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania
New College, University of Oxford
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization, Edinburgh
Nottingham Trent University
Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
The Prince’s Trust International
Royal College of Music, London
Stockholm University School of Business
Thames Valley University, London
Vlerick Leuven Gent School of Business
University of Edinburgh
University of Hull
Wadham College, University of Oxford
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford
Wolfson College, University of Oxford
Zoological Society of London
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